Wednesday, April 5, 2017


             How to get rid of bad breath

Bad breath stinks, but what can you really do? The chewing gum? Sucking a mint pill? These strategies offer some benefit, but they are short-lived.

And brush your teeth? Very important, but not as effective as treatment in itself, according to a scientific study conducted by researchers in Brazil.

A comprehensive strategy is needed.

So let's start with the main cause of bad breath: volatile sulfur compounds (VSC). While they sound more like the fumes you emit from your ass to your mouth, scientists say these substrates are the ones that usually lead to halitosis.

It is believed that volatile sulfur compounds result in the interaction of oral bacteria that occurs under conditions such as gum disease and infections, and inner pockets and fissures of the teeth.

These 10 habits of life could be the reason why you stink ...

No flossing:
Flossing is a pain and can sometimes be omitted when you are tired. But often, when the food gets stuck between the teeth, the bacteria feeds on it, producing bad odors.

Too much alcohol consumption:
Alcohol can dehydrate and dry mouth, which leads to increased production of bacteria.

Un sufficient drinking water:
Drinking water stimulates the production of saliva, which helps slow down the production of bacteria in the mouth and improve the smell of breath.

Overuse of mouthwash:
Alcohol in some mouthwashes can kill the bacteria in the mouth, causing them to repulse faster. Thus, while it is possible to work initially, in the long run, it may not help.

Eat too much mint :
Even if a quick fix, the sugar present in ticks provides a food source for bacteria that inhabit the mouth.

Take drugs:
Some medicines can cause dry mouth.

Skip meals:
When you do, your body releases chemicals from the belly rise and out of the mouth like bad breath.

We know all the health-related side effects of smoking - bad breath is one of them.

Using an old Toothbrush:
Replace teeth toothbrushes frequently, as they tend to be large breeding ground for bacteria.

But language is the real problem, according to a report in the Journal of Clinical Periodontology. It turns out, its wide surface - with all the small cracks and grooves - allows to harbor a great amount of microorganisms that lead to the volatile sulfur compounds.

In fact, in separate studies, Japanese scientists found that "saburra" has had the greatest impact on the production of volatile sulfur compounds in people's mouths. This would also help explain why you are more likely to smell bad in the morning breathing as compounds build up overnight.

Which brings us to that complete strategy.

1. Cleaning the tongue.
This helps to annoy and eliminate bacteria that create volatile sulfur compounds, and leads to a reduction in their odor.

You can literally brush your tongue, but an even better approach is to scratch your tongue back and forth with a plastic tongue scraper.

When you brush your tongue with a little 'toothbrush, you could also be moving around the smelly bacteria in different places on your tongue.

But the larger, flat-design area of ​​a tongue scraper will allow you to carry more bacteria out of your mouth when you scrape forward, said Dr. Denis Kinane, the dean of the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine.

According to a Cochrane review of scientific literature, people using a tongue scraper reduce volatile sulfur compounds by 42 percent, compared with 33 percent in those who brush their tongue. In addition, the effects of scraping the tongue last longer.

2. Brush and floss twice a day.
This is not surprising, of course. It can eliminate small food particles and microorganisms that can lead to volatile sulfur compounds.

If flossing is not used, treat and then give the thread of an aspiration. Bad smell? You probably have discovered a breeding ground for healthy bacteria - and hopefully gained motivation to start flossing regularly.

Keep in your mind that periodontitis and gingivitis and  can lead to  sulfur volatile compounds and bad smell of breath, regular visits to the dentist are a must.

3. Keep your mouth well hydrated.
When there is "dry mouth", dead cells in the tongue, gums and cheeks can accumulate. Without enough saliva to remove the bacteria they begin to feed on the dead skin cells and multiply. This produces a cluster of sulfur-related molecules that cause bad breath, says Dr. Kinane.

If you often feel your mouth is dry, try an over-the-counter rinse like Biotene, which has been shown to help with dry mouth.

If your breathing really bad and you do not have to rinse around, just rinse your mouth with tap water

Tuesday, April 4, 2017



'Facial hair in women,' the idea that I ignore it as a too thick argument to openly discuss, is actually a very natural phenomenon. All women have facial and body hair, and facial hair is usually light-colored and orderly in nature. However, for some women, hair growth is large and thick. This is due to the higher normal levels of androgen secretion, including testosterone. You should also know that all women produce androgens, but at controlled levels. In some conditions, secretion exceeds normal levels, often developing other male characteristics as well. When there is excessive hair growth in women, the condition is called hirsutism, which could be caused by polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) or an adrenal gland disorder such as cancer or adrenal gland cancer. However, in most cases, it is not the case of an adrenal gland disorder that requires a medical intervention or surgery. Excessive growth of  hair  is treated with  natural and effective home remedies.

 Egg Mask : 

Excessive hair growth on the face can be greatly reduced by this egg mask. Not only is it sticky, which causes the mask to stick to all facial hair and help to strip off excess growth once it is dry but also nourishes the skin. Eggs are high in protein, which infuses collagen reinforcing skin needs after a long day. Simply pour a bowl, take the egg white and mix with corn starch and sugar spoon. Continue beating until the dough is soft. Apply the paste on the face and let it remain for 15 to 20 minutes. When the mask dries and is already difficult enough, and remove quickly. Rinse face with cold water after peeling. To get the best results, follow the regimen at least twice a week, however, the mask may not be effective for acne prone people. It can cause pore clogging and an increased risk of acne breakouts.

 2. Sugar and lemon mask
Go from your routine of being whitening based on chemicals to this traditional trick to get rid of excess facial growth. Sugar, which can tear the hair (as you pull the mask) that does not cause damage to the skin, sugar sticks only to the hair and not the skin when heated to the hair sticks, and after it dries . Lemon, on the other hand, acts as a natural whitening agent and discoloration of the rest of the hair while lightening the skin tone. For this home remedy for facial hair, you need to have a mixture of 2 tablespoons sugar, a pinch of fresh lemon juice (about 2 teaspoons), and a 9-10 teaspoonful of water. Heat the mixture, and let it cool a little '.

Unlike wax, it is not necessary to heat the mixture at very high temperatures; The sugar heats up quickly therefore causes much less wax discomfort. Then start applying the paste over the affected areas and let dry. Let stand for about 15-20 minutes. Rinse with cold water. Do this at least 3 or 4 times a week for best results.

3. lemon and honey
Looking for home remedy for dry skin and excessive hair growth on the face? This fact, alternatively, waxing at home should work wonders for you. Take a bowl and mix about 2 tablespoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of organic honey, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice, and heat the mixture until it becomes pasty. You can also fine the mixture with the addition of water if it tends to become too sticky. Keep the mixture aside for refrigeration. Take the paste and apply on the affected areas. Take a waxing strip and pull it in the opposite direction of the hair. This natural wax is much less harmful to the skin than the chemical based ones. In addition, the moisturizing properties of honey helps restore water retention in the skin and stimulates the production of sunburn.

4. Potatoes and lentils
Apart from unwanted hair removal, potatoes have many other benefits for the skin as well. The potato catecholase component helps to lighten and brighten the skin. For this mask, you would have yellow lentils soaked overnight, a potato, a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of lemon juice. Take a bowl and mash the potato, and extract its juice. At the same time, discharge the water in which lentils were impregnated and grind the lentils until it acquires a soft paste. Add the potato, honey and lemon juice to this pasta. Apply the mixture to the affected areas and let stand for 15-20 minutes until dry. Now, with the help of your fingers, rub the dry pasta to remove it. And, finally, wash your face with cold water.

While the remedy is suitable for all skin types, those who are allergic to raw potatoes should be kept away from trying this on as it will lead to allergic reactions. A patch test before applying the paste, is recommended in this case.

5. Papaya and Turmeric
The bioactive active enzyme found in the papaya star called papain enlarges the hair follicle, which inhibits the growth of excess hair on the skin. Papaya also helps to exfoliate the skin naturally, removing dead skin cells. The traditional remedy for most skin problems over turmeric helps to exfoliate and give shine to the skin.

So what should you do? Only the peel of raw papaya and cut into pieces, are ground into a fine paste. Add a tablespoon of turmeric powder to the dough. With the help of hands to massage the parts with excessive growth of hair and let it sit for about 20 minutes. Wash with cold water. To better test the system of try it atleast twice a week.



Whole grains:

Complex carbohydrates in oatmeal and other whole grains provide the brain with a reliable source of energy, a steady flow of glucose in the blood to help children stay focused throughout the school day. A bowl of muesli or whole wheat bread in the morning can keep your adolescent alert throughout the day.

Fatty Fish :

The body does not produce essential fatty acids. That's why you should be serving your boy salmon, sardine, mackerel, trout, halibut and tuna. These fatty fish contain eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid, omega-3 fatty acids that help control stress and help the brain to produce the brain chemical known as the well-being of serotonin. If you can not get your teenager to eat fish, to offer the best alternative vegetarian substitute: soybeans, pumpkin seeds and nuts. All of these foods help healthy brain function and memory.

Red and dark purple fruits:

Blueberries, craisins, cherries, red cabbage, purple or dark red grapes, and eggplant skins are rich in anthocyanins, which prevent short-term memory loss. If the child is able to study for that exam the night before, a rich red fruit and dark purple diet will help keep what he or she has learned in cramming. In any case, it is usually no hassle for children to eat cherries and berries, so they serve them often!

Vitamin C:

Some of us struggle to solve math problems, while others just write down the answers and look for more. Vitamin C is the secret of an agile mind and all sources of vitamin C are good for this purpose, including citrus, broccoli, red peppers and blackcurrants. Her mother knew what she was doing when she was given the orange juice in the morning. But I emphasize that if your boyfriend prefers to eat a handful of craisins. It's okay.

Pumpkin seeds:

Your teenager needs zinc to think, and pumpkin seeds are probably the best source of zinc. The small power plants increase memory and contain magnesium, which keeps your stress levels low. Finally, pumpkin seeds are rich in B-complex vitamins and tryptophan that are necessary for the production of serotonin and mood regulation. They are fun to snack on, so it should not be difficult to get your teenager happy eating away on a handful of little suction cups.


So your teenager hates cooked broccoli? Try to serve raw with a batter to the crisis factor. Broccoli has vitamin K, which helps you think about power. Green vegetables also contain compounds known as glucosinolates that keep the central nervous system functioning at peak performance during memory sharpening and improve brain function.

The dark chocolate:

Good chocolate with 70% cocoa has anti-inflammatory properties and is full of antioxidants and flavonoids to boot. These good things help control blood pressure, increasing blood flow to the brain. This can not stop making your son a genius, right? BONUS? Most children (and adults) do not reject a candy bar.

Extra virgin olive oil:

This good green oil is rich in polyphenols, antioxidants that accelerate learning and accelerated memory. AOVE, as food snobs call it, helps the body fight amyloid proteins called B-derived diffusible ligands that are harmful to the brain and those involved in the development of Alzheimer's disease later in life. Think of olive oil not just as a cooking oil dressing or salad, but as seasoning to be filled on most of the added delight dishes. Serve on a plate with balsamic vinegar as a sauce for a good, crunchy bread.


This yellow spice, which prevails in curry, increases the flow of oxygen to the brain. This means that your child will not only be more careful, but it will be easier to process information. Add turmeric rice, eggs, or soup. You can also mix turmeric with butter or oil over low heat to form a paste, fresh, and add to the shakes.


They keep away from the doctor, and one of the reasons is that they contain a lot of quercetin, an antioxidant that protects brain cells to keep the brain that works like a well-oiled machine. Quercetin protects against attack by free radicals in brain cells that can damage the outer lining of neurons, which could lead to cognitive impairment. Researchers say that most of the quercetin is found in apples skin so don,t peel it.


Eggs are said to be one of the best fundamental neurotransmitters as it plays choline. Along with this substance, eggs also contain cholesterol that helps the brain function properly. Having one or two eggs gives children more brain power.


Yes, nuts are one of the foods to boost brain power during the examination period. It is full of rich nutrients that make it the most powerful brain. It acts as a booster and maintains brain health with its nutrients such as vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, copper and manganese. Consuming one or two walnuts a day will make your brain work effectively.

Green leafy vegetables:

Many children do not like green leafy vegetables and try to avoid them on the dishes. However, green vegetables are good foods to boost brain power during the exam period, with its protective brain antioxidants such as vitamin K, folic acid and lutein.


With rich monounsaturated fats, avocado has the power to protect brain cells. According to experts, it is advisable to consume the juice of avocado two or three times a week to improve brain function.


Nothing will be more effective then spinach to increase your memory capacity during exam time. It is packed with brain-protective antioxidants along with vitamin K, folic acid and lutein. This causes spinach to be one of the foods to boost brain power during the exam period.

Monday, April 3, 2017


   Best foods to eat when trying to gain weight

1. Homemade protein shakes
Drinking homemade protein shakes can be a very nutritious and quick way to gain weight.

Here are just a couple of tasty variations you can try. It is possible to combine each with 2 cups (470 ml) milk or, alternatively, as almonds.

The nut chocolate and banana smoothie:
Combine 1 banana, 1 tablespoon whey protein chocolate and 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of peanuts or other types of walnut butter.
Vanilla berry shake: Combine 1 cup (237 ml) fresh or frozen woods, ice, 1 cup (237 ml) with a high-protein natural yogurt and 1 scoop of vanilla whey protein.

Chocolate Smoked Hazelnuts:
Combine 15 ounces (444 ml) of milk chocolate with 1 tablespoon of chocolate protein, 1 tablespoon (15 ml) butter and hazelnut 1 avocado.

Caramel apple smoothie: 
Combine 1 apple slices, 1 cup (237 ml) natural yogurt, 1 tablespoon caramel or vanilla protein whey and 1 tablespoon (15 ml) sauce or unsweetened caramel flavors.

 Vanilla Cranberry Shake:
Mix one cup of  - 237 ml fresh or frozen blueberries, And  one spoon of vanilla whey protein, if needed then one cup of - 237 ml vanilla yogurt and a sweetener, .

Shake Super green:
 Combine 1 cup (237 ml) of spinach, 1 avocado, 1 banana, 1 cup (237 ml) pineapple and 1 tablespoon unsweetened protein or vanilla.

2. Milk

Milk has been used as a weight gainer or to strengthen muscles for decades.
It provides a good balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. It is also a good source of calcium as well as other vitamins and minerals.
For those looking to add more muscle, milk is an excellent source of protein that provides both casein and whey protein. Research has also shown that it can help to add muscle when combined with weightlifting.
In addition, studies have shown that milk or whey and casein in combination, can lead to greater mass gain from other sources of protein.

3. Rice

Also 'quite dense in calories, which means you can easily get a lot of carbohydrates and calories from a single serving. This helps you to eat more, especially if you have little appetite or fill up quickly.
When you're on the road or in a race, two minutes of microwave rice packs can easily be added to other sources of protein and pre-made meals.
Another popular method is to prepare a large pot of rice for the week and combine it with a little protein and healthy fats.

4. Nuts and nuts Butter

Nuts and nut butters are a perfect choice if you are trying to gain weight.
Only a small handful of almonds contains more than 7 grams of protein and 18 grams of healthy fats.
Since they are very dense in calories, only two handfuls a day with a meal or as a snack can quickly add hundreds of calories.
Dried nut butters can also be added to a variety of snacks or dishes such as smoothies, yogurt and more.

5. Red meat

Red meat is probably one of the best muscle building foods available.
Fillets, for example, contain approximately 3 grams of leucine for 6 oz. Leucine is the key amino acid your body needs to stimulate muscle protein synthesis and add new muscle tissue.
In addition to this, red meat is one of the best sources of creatine in the diet, which is perhaps the best muscle building supplement in the world.
They also have more calories and fat than leaner meats, helping you to take in excess calories and adding weight.

6. Potatoes and starches

Potatoes and other starchy foods are a very easy and convenient way to add extra calories.
Try to choose one of these healthy starchy carbohydrate sources:

Potatoes and potatoes
Root vegetables in winter
Beans and legumes
Not only potatoes and other starches add carbohydrates and calories to help you gain weight - but they also increase your muscle glycogen stores.

7. Protein supplements

Whey protein supplements and "mass gainers" can be a very easy and convenient strategy to gain weight, especially when combined with strength training.
Some people believe that whey protein is healthy or unnatural, but this is not the case. Whey protein is made from dairy products and has in fact been shown to improve health indicators and reduce the risk of diseases.
Whey protein may be even more important if you are also training, as your daily protein needs increase. 

8. Healthy cereals

Healthy cereal can be a good source of carbohydrates, calories and healthy nutrients.
While you should avoid processed, sugary cereals, healthier forms like oats can be a great source of carbohydrates to add to your diet.
Cereals and oat-based cereals also contain beneficial nutrients, such as fiber and healthy antioxidants.

When buying cereals, focus on these healthy choices:

9. Dark chocolate

High quality black chocolate offers plenty of antioxidants and health benefits.
Most people may want to take a dark chocolate with a cocoa content of 70% or more.
Like other foods rich in fats, dark chocolate has a very high calorie density. This means that it is very easy to get many calories from it.

10. Cheese

As the dark chocolate is high in calories and fat. If Cheese is eaten in large quantities, it is also a good source of protein.
Since the cheese is very tasty, you can add it to most dishes and easily add several hundred extra calories.

Cheese is a good source of protein and is rich in healthy fats. Add it to meals if you need a calorie and increase the taste.

Sunday, April 2, 2017


Super effective home remedies to get rid of Gastritis

1. Carom seeds

As a natural antacid, carom seeds are one of the most effective home remedies for gastritis. They treat acidity and relieving stomach hyperacidity of an excessive accumulation of acid and also help oust indigestion, nausea and bloating. You can mix 1 teaspoon of carom seeds with dried ginger and black salt. Dissolve the mixture in hot water and consume a glass three times a day. Alternatively, you could add 1 teaspoon of carom seeds and half a teaspoon of black salt to a glass of buttermilk and drink twice a day. You can also boil about four teaspoons of carambola seeds in 2 cups of water until the mixture is reduced by half, filter and drink half a cup of about two times in a day. Following these religiously remedies give immediate results.

2. Ginger

The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of ginger help to combat gastritis and combat symptoms such as stomach pain, bloating, indigestion, nausea and gas. You could either consume two or three cups of ginger tea with regularity (prepared by bringing a teaspoon grated ginger to boil in a cup of water) or consume raw ginger daily on an empty stomach. You could also eat raw ginger with honey before meals or taking ginger capsules in consultation with a doctor. Please note that ginger may interfere with blood thinning and blood pressure medications- so it is advisable to check with your doctor rather than self-medicating.

3. Yogurt

Yogurt has live active probiotic cultures that help to oust all the bacteria H. pylori infect your stomach lining. In addition, yogurt is known to strengthen immunity, thereby helping the body to fight any infection / disease. You can consume pro biotic yogurt with your meals or use it in a banana and honey smoothie. The consumption or twice a day would help in a speedy recovery.

4. Chamomile

Chamomile is an effective home remedy for the treatment of gastritis because it soothes the stomach lining, fights gas, prevents the swelling and combats any discomfort. It also helps fight inflammation, thereby reducing their risk of developing stomach ulcers and provides relief from stomach pain. You can either prepare the concoction using chamomile flowers in two cups of hot water and trying to add honey. Drink the mixture twice in a day helps cure the infection. Remember not to boil the herb as it can destroy its essential compounds.

5. Peppermint

Peppermint is known for its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antispasmodic that can help reduce the inflammation of the lining of the stomach as well as to fight nausea, indigestion and heartburn. You can chew fresh mint leaves, add them to your salads, soups or shakes or simply, to take the tablets in consultation with a health professional.

6. Strawberries

The  compounds of phenolic strawberries can help to prevent inflammation of the lining of the stomach  and can also help to reverse the damage caused by alcohol to the mucosa. You could either eat a couple of fresh strawberries each day or add a spoonful of strawberry dry leaves for a cup of hot water, steep, filter and drink until you find relief from the discomfort.

7. Basil

The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties help basil decrease inflammation, infection-fighting and combat symptoms such as stomach pain, bloating, indigestion, nausea, vomiting and gas. You could either chew basil leaves 4-5 times a day or create a blend of basil and ginger juice for daily consumption. Alternatively, you could also drink tea basil with honey 3 times a day for a couple of weeks to start seeing results.

8. Fennel seeds

Fennel seeds help to soothe the digestive system and relax the muscles in the gastrointestinal tract. The antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties help fight the most common symptoms such as indigestion, bloating heartburn, flatulence and vomiting and treat gastritis effectively. You can chew fennel seeds after a meal a day to help get relief from stomach pain and abdominal pain. You can drink the mixture of  a teaspoon of fennel seeds for hot water, steep, strain, add honey and take the mixture three times a day in a three-week period to see a significant improvement.......



Causes of Ear Infections in Children
Ear infections in infants and young children are actually a fairly common phenomenon. They seem to come from nowhere, but they can be treated easily. The question is: what are the causes of infection in the child's ear? Fortunately, the most common causes of ear infections in children are nothing exotic. Some of them even go as far as their ears are small.

1. Immature Eustachian tube 
The Eustachian trumpet is the passage that connects the ear, nose and throat. In adults, there is a bit of space for bacteria to travel from nose to ear. However, in children, the Eustachian tube is small and angular, so there are fewer things to stop the bacteria from migrating from the nose and throat to the ear.

2. Colds and the flu
In many ways, this goes along with the immature Eustachian tube. Colds in children are very common, and influence is also something that can happen. With children, the nasal passages can become very swollen, and the mucus can be collected at the back of the nose. Essentially, this can become a breeding ground for all types of bacteria that can then migrate from the back of the nose into the Eustachian tube.

3. Accumulation of liquid
In essence, bacteria traveling along the Eustachian tube can migrate from it into the space behind the eardrum. This can cause pus and fluids to build up and push into the back of the eardrum, making the child a lot of pain in the ear. When rupturing the eardrum, excess fluid will begin to flow out of the ear.

While there may be other causes of ear infections, these tend to be the most common. IT is easy to clear Ear infections  once it is diagnosed, and it will be done quickly to avoid some complications.

Complications and risk factors for ear infections in children

While an ear infection can have consequences for an adult, especially if left untreated, children and infants, complications and risk factors associated with ear infections are much more serious. The accumulation of fluid behind the ear can lead to temporary loss of hearing. If left untreated, the damage can cause permanent problems with your child's hearing, which in turn can cause problems with your speech. Continuously  ear infection is the main   cause for cholesteatoma to form back at the eardrum that  require surgery.

While it is very rare, ear infections can also begin to affect the tissue around the spine and brain (meningitis). As you can see, the complications of ear infections can be quite unpleasant, especially if they are not treated. Fortunately, the treatment is fairly easy these days.

Tips for treating baby ear infection

Once diagnosed, treatment of ear infections in infants and children is a relatively simple process. The first step in treating ear infections is to get a proper diagnosis and treatment plan by your doctor. More than likely, your doctor will prescribe one of the following treatments, depending on the type and severity of the ear infection.

1. Wait and see
If the infection is a mild one, there is a possibility that your doctor will prescribe you just waiting outside. Ear infections can resolve on their own, in particular, the type that is created due to a cold. Once the cold clearings, there is a possibility the ear infection disappears soon after. If this is the case, your doctor will probably give you a recommendation on what to give your child to cope with the pain of the infection. If you choose this method, you want to follow up to make sure that no additional treatment is needed.

2. Antibiotics
Your doctor may also prescribe an antibiotic treatment to help kill the bacteria that cause the infection.


1. Vaccinate your child
Up to date the vaccines help prevent a number of things, including some diseases that can cause ear infections.

2. Breastfeeding (for at least 6 months)
Now, breastfeeding can not be possible for all mothers, nor should it be expected of all mothers. However, if you can breastfeed your baby, a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has found that children who were breastfed were less likely to get ear infections than formula-fed children.

3. Keep your nose clear
As we pointed out earlier, ear infections can be caused by the accumulation of mucus in the back of the nose. Making sure that your nose is clear of that mucus as much as possible is a good way to prevent the  bacteria from cause ear infections.

Saturday, April 1, 2017


Here are some of the most harmful foods to avoid during pregnancy:

1. Seafood / Fish

Most seafood staples are contaminated with heavy metals such as mercury. This is especially true for fish that were raised in rivers and lakes contaminated by industrial wastes. These bodies of water are subject to biphenyl biphebyls. Fish such as mackerel, swordfish and fish tiles are generally known to be contaminated with high levels of these metals. Small amounts of mercury in food are acceptable. But if mercury levels in food increases beyond a point, it can lead to brain damage and developmental disorders in children.

However, fish such as salmon, catfish and shrimp are considered safe and are still healthy as fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are healthy for both mother and child. Make sure all of this food is well prepared.

2. The Brinjal

Brinjal is a common vegetable, prepared and consumed in many vegetarian houses. But the benign vegetable that her mother insisted on eating, (probably, even though she is reluctant to do so) can be very harmful during pregnancy. Eggplant has been known to trigger menstruation, when it is consumed daily over a period of time. This is because eggplant is a diuretic containing plant hormones, and is usually prescribed for girls who have suffered from severe PMS and amenorrhea. So even if excessive consumption of vegetables should be avoided, small amounts over a period of time will not do any harm.

3. Unpasteurized dairy products

Drinking milk and eating other dairy products is very important during pregnancy because these foods are one of the richest sources of protein, calcium and important vitamins and minerals. However, consumption of unpasteurized dairy products can lead to severe food poisoning. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out an exhaustive quality control on all dairy products consumed during pregnancy. Always drink fresh and cooked milk. Check the labels for pasteurization procedures as in products such as butter, ice cream, paneer (cottage cheese), etc.

In addition, there is also the possibility that your child is allergic to dairy products, in which case you will have to give up all dairy products on a permanent basis, until delivery. For children who are lactose intolerant, you may want to consider vegetarian alternatives to dairy products like almond milk, soy milk, rice milk, etc.

4. Papaya

Eating mature papayas would pose no significant risk to a pregnant woman, but the consumption of green or partially ripe papaya has been known to be quite dangerous. This is because green papaya contains a milky liquid called latex, which can cause uterine contractions, resulting in miscarriages. This is the reason why green papaya is used in many Asian countries to stimulate contractions for timely delivery. However, we are talking about a lot of green papaya, here. Green papaya has none at all, and then latex are safe for consumption during pregnancy.

5. Fenugreek (Methi)  seeds

Methi is another vegetable that is often prepared and eaten in indigenous households. Seeds are known to be harmful to pregnant women as they can cause miscarriages. They have properties that can stimulate stronger contractions. Leading to premature births or even abortion. In addition, some medicines have been known to be reactive against seeds of FENUGREEk . Therefore, it is advisable to take the advice of your doctor about the consumption of fenugreek  before proceeding in either direction.

6. Raw eggs

Raw eggs or any dish with raw eggs may contain samonella- the bacteria that is responsible for causing typhoid fever. Dishes that may contain raw eggs, and therefore should be avoided by pregnant women, including homemade mayonnaise, cream, etc., to lay eggs that only consume boiled or pasteurized. Avoid eating eggs in restaurants and other restaurants outside and prepare your dishes with eggs to make sure they are well cooked.