Friday, March 31, 2017


1. Eat lots of soluble fiber
Soluble fiber absorbs water and forms a gel that helps to slow down food passing through the digestive system.
Studies show this type of fiber favors weight loss, helping you feel full so you naturally eat less. It can also decrease the amount of calories your body absorbs from food..
Make an effort to eat high-fiber foods every day. Very good sources of soluble fiber include flax seeds, Shirataki noodles, Brussels sprouts, avocado, legumes and blackberries.

2. Avoid foods containing trans fats

Trans fats are created by pumping hydrogen to unsaturated fats such as soybean oil.
They are found in some margarain and spreads, and they also added some packaged foods.
These fats have been linked to inflammation, heart disease, insulin resistance and increased abdominal fat in observational and animal studies.
A six-year study found that monkeys consuming a diet rich in trans fat fats gained 33% more abdominal fat than monkeys consuming a diet high in monounsaturated fats.
To help reduce belly fat and protect your health, read the labels on the ingredients and stay away from products that contain trans fats. These are often referred to as "partially hydrogenated fats".

3. Do not drink too much alcohol

Alcohol can have health benefits in small amounts, but it is seriously harmful if you drink too much.
Research suggests that too much alcohol can also increase belly fat.
Observational studies link alcohol consumption to a significant increase in the risk of central obesity - that is, the deposition of excess fat around the waist.
Alcohol cuts can help reduce your waistline. You do not have to give up altogether, if you will, but limiting how much you drink in a day can help.
In a study of more than 2,000 people, those who drank alcohol daily, but on average less than one drink a day had less abdominal fat than those who drank less frequently, but consumed more alcohol on the days they made drink.

4. Eat a high protein diet

Protein is an extremely important nutrient for weight management.
High protein content increases the release of the PYY hormone completely, which decreases appetite and promotes satiety. Protein also increases metabolic rate and helps maintain muscle mass during weight loss.
Many observational studies show that people who consume more protein tend to have less abdominal fat than those who eat a low-protein diet.
Be sure to include a good source of protein at each meal, such as meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, protein whey or nuts.

5. Reduce stress levels

Stress can cause you to increase belly fat by activating the adrenal glands to produce cortisol, also known as the "the" stress hormone.
Research shows high levels of appetite and storage units increase abdominal fat cortisol.
What's more, women who already have a large waistline tend to produce more cortisol in response to stress. The increase in cortisol further increases the fat gain by about half.
To help reduce belly fat, participate in pleasurable activities that relieve stress. Practicing yoga or meditation can be effective methods.

6. Do not eat a lot of sugary foods

Sugar contains fructose, which has been linked to several chronic diseases when consumed in excess.
These include heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity and fatty liver disease.
Observational studies show a relationship between high sugar consumption and increased intra-abdominal fat.
It is important to realize that more than refined sugar can lead to increased belly fat. Even "healthy" sugars (like real honey) should be used sparingly.

7. Do aerobic exercise

Aerobic (cardiovascular) exercise is an effective way to improve health and burn calories.
Studies also show that it is one of the most effective forms of exercise to reduce belly fat. However, the results are mixed with respect to whether moderate intensity or high exercise intensity is more beneficial.

8. Reducing carbohydrates, especially refined carbohydrates

Reducing carbohydrate intake would be helpful to lose fat, including belly.
No need to follow a low-carb diet. Some research suggests that the simple replacement of raw starch carbohydrates, refined carbohydrates can improve metabolic health and reduce belly fat.
The famous Framingham Heart Study, those with the highest intake of whole grains probably 17 percent less abdominal fat than those who ate a diet rich in refined grains.

9. Replace Some of your cooking oil with coconut oil

A jar of coconut oil and a teaspoon
Coconut oil is one of the healthiest fats you can eat.
Studies show that medium-chain fats in coconut oil can increase metabolism and reduce the amount of stored fat in response to higher consumption of calories.
Controlled studies suggest that it may also lead to the loss of belly fat.
A study,  shows that o those who consumes coconut oil daily for more than 12 wks to an average of 1.1 inch lost.
To increase the loss of belly fat, it is advisable to about 2 tablespoons (30 ml) coconut per day, the amount of oil used in the majority of studies showing good results.
However, note that coconut oil is still high in calories. Instead of adding fat to your diet, replace part of the fat that is currently eating with coconut oil.


              Choosing a natural look

Wash your face:
It is  important for those who have acne prone skin. They have to Start with a mild detergent and gently wipe the skin. Rinse with warm water and gently pat your face with a microfiber cloth.
Wash your face 2 to 3 times a day, especially if you have oily skin. Washing your face will remove excess oil and dead skin cells, helping the skin look younger.

Moisturize and do not forget the sunscreen:
Immediately after washing the face, a moisturizing lotion should be applied. Avoid moisturizers containing oil, if the skin is already fat. Lotion will help moisture block the skin, giving it a hydrated look.
Always apply a sunscreen with an SPF of around 30.You can also find moisturizers containing sunscreen. These will help prevent sun damage and wrinkles along the way.

Use a lip balm or moisturizer:
Even if you are showing a very natural look, you need to keep your lips moisturized. Use a lip balm or clear shine. Even if you do not have to contain pigment or color, it will keep your lips looking smooth and healthy.

Cover imperfections:
Although you may not want to cover the entire face with foundation or makeup, you may have some pimples or spots that you want to cover. Use a base stick or concealer to gently pat the grains or stains. Then use your fingers to gently blend it into your surroundings.
You should not choose a red-based concealer to cover pimples or red spots; Which will be harder to hide. Instead, look for a base of yellow or green based on counteracting the problems of the red areas.

To wear makeup

It should be simple:
If you choose to wear makeup to school, we will want to stick to a quick, natural look. Start with a freshly washed face and apply a foundation of light or moisturizer with color to match every skin tone.
Do not choose heavy cakey bases as it wrinkles and creases throughout the day. Instead, they adhere with a light cover and a light dust coat.

Apply the blush:
Choose a light pink or peach color, which will look on your skin tone and apply to the apples of your cheeks.
Look for a blush that matches the color of your cheeks after you have been exercising.

Concentrate on your eyes:
Fill foreheads to accentuate the natural line of the forehead. Then apply the eye shadow in a neutral or natural shades. If you choose to wear eyeliner, choose a dark brown, navy blue, or rose gold, depending on what works with your skin tone. Stark black lining may seem too hard for school. Finish eye makeup with a mascara movement.
Avoid wearing dark or metallic eye shadows that fit best for a weekend night, a look.

Wear a little lip gloss or cute lipstick:
If you want to keep on the natural side simpler, choose a peach or pink lip gloss that you will be able to reapply easily throughout the day. You can also opt for a richer lipstick, but do not choose anything too dark. Keep the dark and metallic colors for parties or weekends.

Update the look throughout the day

Wipe the oil off your face:
Even if you start with a freshly washed face and apply a minimum of makeup, the oil builds up on your face, making it bright at the end of the day. To keep the shine to a minimum, pack some papers of drying oil in your backpack or locker. Take one minute and gently rub on the face to remove excess oil.
Most of the secant oil documents are designed to make your makeup intact.

Apply a facial fog or moisturizer:
If you choose the path without makeup, you can enjoy lightening the skin in the middle of the day. Just spray a face fog to moisturize the skin and apply moisturizer to give some light.
Some facial fogs are antibacterial that can help fight acne.

Consider using a makeup stick all over the surface:
Various make-up sticks provide all-in-one coverage, so you can refresh your eye makeup, lip color, cheeks and all with a single product.

Refresh your lipstick or lip gloss:
Lip gloss or lipstick is often one of the first things to disappear, then reapply throughout the day. If you are short on time, keep a small mirror and apply it in your backpack as you walk to the next lesson.

Thursday, March 30, 2017



Feed your brain

What you put in your mouth can affect your mind. And it's important to start eating well in your early twenties to avoid mental stress. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 18-24 year old adults suffer from mental health impairment.

"This age group is under a lot of pressure, especially nowadays with bad economy," Landa says. "Adequate nutrition is a key factor in combating conditions associated with mental disorders such as avoiding processed foods, sugar, caffeine and alcohol. This will reduce the demand for the adrenal glands, which are responsible for the secretion of cortisol Stress hormone) and play a role in managing your metabolism. "

It is recommended to take supplements containing vitamins B, C, and magnesium to support general adrenal health. Certain herbs like Ashwagandha and Rhodiola are also useful for fighting stress and improving adrenal health.


Monitoring hormonal levels throughout life and taking actions to maintain balance or repair imbalances can combat many of the conditions of aging, including insomnia, decreased libido, memory loss, and unwanted weight gain.

"Hormones control everything in the body like the body's chemical messengers to function optimally.For example, testosterone lowers your libido can tank, and low levels of progesterone are related to insomnia and other sleep disorders". "As mentioned above, an excess of cortisol can cause hazy thinking and unwanted weight gain. The chronological aging process is unstoppable, but the way of seeing and feeling throughout life is strongly related to the options Equilibrium and hormonal lifestyle. "

Try To Manage Your Stress

"In your body Chronic stress is responsible for greater amount of cortisol secretion daily, and it  leads to weight gain, irritability, insomnia, mood disorders, decreased libido, blood sugar and high blood pressure," Says Landa. She suggests stress reduction techniques such as deep breathing and belly yoga.

Cardiovascular exercise also helps to relieve stress, as it increases the levels of endorphins, the hormone feel good. And do not forget strength training.

"Many women are turning away from resistance training, but this form of exercise is essential to maintain bone density and look thin and toned.

Build a thick skin

Our largest body organ, our skin shows signs of aging more than any other part of the body.

"The most important preventive measure you can take against the sun is to build levels of antioxidants and maintain adequate levels of vitamins A, C, D and E," says Landa. "Eating many organic fruits and vegetables in bright colors also increases the levels of these vitamins. These potent vitamins work is the natural sunscreen for the body, helping in the prevention of aging skin and skin cancer."

Of course, sunscreen is also recommended every day. Look for titanium dioxide base formulations and those that are "wide-spectrum" to protect against all types of harmful UV rays.

Do not skimp on sleep

In the past year, researchers found several test bodies that sleep (both quality and quantity of it) is essential for many aspects of their health.

"While you sleep, your body goes into some kind of di'modalità repair, 'repairing the damage during the day and preparing your body to handle everything that comes after.

Not enough sleep can also lead to chronic adult onset that can shorten the duration of life, such as type 2 diabetes, "researchers found that low-quality sleep improves insulin resistance by 82 percent. Study found that lack of sleep (less than 7.5 hours per night) aggravates the genetic influences related to weight gain and obesity. Ideally, you should get seven to nine hours of sleep each night, and this is sleeping in Real time, not just lying in bed. "

Even more reasons to raise sleep hours: "Without high quality and quantity of sleep, your metabolism will slow down at the pace of a tortoise. It can also increase the storage of deadly visceral fat around the organs.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017


         How to Get Rid of Dandruff Fast!

Dandruff is a common problem most of the time. Anything you do to remove it, back after a few weeks or months. But if you understand the true causes of dandruff, instead of relying on temporary treatments, you will be better able to deal with the actual problem dandruff. Here are several home remedies to get rid of dandruff more quickly and permanently.

If you want to get rid of dandruff in just 5 minutes, then please check the bottom of this page. However, you should read the entire article for a more permanent result.

Get Rid Of  Dandruff Quickly

Remember to stick to your hair care routine and do not just stop once the dandruff is gone. We try to develop an understanding of the things to do and not to do dandruff treatment

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Quick Dandruff

1. Tea tree essential oil
 has anti-fungal properties and kills yeast-like yeast (Malassezia), which is a common cause of dandruff. Also 'effective for the treatment of a dry scalp itch. You can buy separate tea tree oil and mix it with your shampoo (about 10 drops per ounce of shampoo), or for convenience you can get a tea tree shampoo with the oil already in it. In both cases, leave the shampoo for a few minutes before rinsing for the oil to work.

2. Yoghurt that is mix with strawberries
 is a very famous home remedy that immediately comes to mind when someone asks how to get rid of dandruff fast. It feels soft, but leaves hair very flat and reduces its volume. You also need two rinse shampoo.

Another simple two step formula to remove quick dandruff is to apply coconut oil to the scalp. This oil contains anti-fungal properties and is the same fungus found in the roots of your dandruff. Remember to do the cold shower after rinsing the oil out of the way, because hot showers will increase the dryness on the scalp which will make treatment ineffective.

One treatment does not work for everyone and the same applies to remedy coconut oil, so if you fall into the category mentioned dandruff is not eliminated with this application, then you can try jojoba oil, almond oil, Olive oil, lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. Jojoba oil is the best of all and will usually get 100% results.

3. Neem leaves 
also contain antiseptic properties that not only moisturize the hair, but are also good for itching and irritation of the scalp.

Prepare a paste of neem leaves to the ground and add water to it and wash your hair every day for quick relief. You can also boil neem leaves in water and when the water cools, use it to wash your hair. You can also try to remove dandruff by washing hair with vinegar. Do not forget to add the same amount of vinegar and water to prepare a solution more or less depending on the size and thickness of the hair.


The fastest way to remove dandruff in 5 minutes
This method is the fastest way to get rid of dandruff, without washing your hair or shower. It is a great way to eliminate dandruff quickly, effectively and quickly. And with this method will not wait to spend the night.

The first step is to stand in front of a mirror and determine exactly where dandruff hair looks. Sprinkle dry shampoo on those areas. If you do not have dry shampoo, then you can also use baby powder for this quick fix. If you want to try the best dry shampoo, consider this successful brand with thousands of great comments: Batiste dry shampoo

Next, choose a fine-toothed comb and drag it all through the spots of the dandruff. This will make the sliding cables and comb is full of dandruff flakes. Now you can rub a few drops of coconut oil or olive oil to fix and moisturize your hair.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Foods high in testosterone

               Foods high in testosterone

Testosterone is the foundation of your existence. It helps build muscle, affects sexual desire, strength of bones, heart, memory and size of your penis.

So, it's worth giving your T-levels a little attention 'over and over again. However, for some middle-aged men, some over-caution and use of testosterone as a '' lifestyle-directed medications to major problems, according to Imperial College London. If you think the levels of work you need-T, it's probably best to avoid using it in the form of medications, right?

Instead, invest in these testosterone hacks in the hand of a better body, better than you and - you guessed it - a better penis.

1. Grapes for massive sperm 

Eat a bunch of red grapes everyday to make your own low-hanging fruit a boost: the skins contain resveratrol, which makes it the strongest sperm. The Chinese researchers found the equivalent of 500 mg - roughly the amount of skins 5-10 g - was enough to raise testosterone levels and improve the motility of the epididymis (your sperm's ability to swim).

2. Tuna for a greater sex drive

Tuna 'aroma' may not be ideal for a first date, but its vitamin D content. Vitamin strengthens testosterone by up to 90%, was found with a study from the University of Medicine in , Austria, by reducing Levels of sex hormones chemical libido killing globulin . A can of tuna contains 100% of the gdr.

3. Pomegranate to fight against impotence

Some say it was the Biblical forbidden fruit, and old Adam could have done much worse. The worlds Journal of Impotence study shown that {47%} of impotent men have found their health more improved after a daily glass of pomegranate-rich antioxidant juice. You do not need a snake to tell you it's a good thing.

Venison for muscle growth

Vegetables look the other way: "A meatless diet can reduce testosterone by 14%," says Carriers. "Lack of protein increases testosterone-De-activation of hormones." Moreover, a study by the University of Utah found a veal and lamb diet too high in SAT fats can also make testosterone pass. The middle way is deer meat. Stag-Gearing.

4. Garlic for muscle maintenance

Banish vampires and weak muscles like: Garlic contains Alicinn, a compound that lowers stress hormone cortisol levels. "Cortisol competes with testosterone for the same sites inside muscle cells," says nutrition consultant Alan Gordon. Cortisol gap, testosterone can then go to work. More potent raw garlic.

5. Honey for better blood flow

For buzzing in the bedroom, bath in honey. Contains boron minerals, linked to high testosterone. Honey is also rich in nitrogen oxide, Gordon says, "This is the key to the end of blood vessels that create erections. Four teaspoons of honey can increase nitrogen oxide levels by 50%."

6. Milk for a slim physique

Evidence that is supposed to have hard bodies, University of Pittsburgh researchers found that fat individuals have more estrogen. Cutting fat by increasing testosterone levels with milk: its amino acids increase the production of Anabolic hormones, which in turn builds muscle and eliminates fat. The Health Department recommends three glasses of 200 ml per day.

7. Eggs for a hormonal push

Eggs really have a sunny side. "Ye ma Cholesterol is the precursor to testosterone," says clinical nutritionist Kim Pearson. Do not worry about your heart: a study from the University of Connecticut found that study subjects could eat three eggs a day without affecting cholesterol levels.

8. Cabbage, to secrete out female hormones

 Cabbage is rich in a chemical called indole-3-carbinol, which releases Your blood from female hormones. normal  men who take 500 Miligram per day for a week ; Halved your estrogen levels, testosterone making it more effective. It's the time to be more of a man at meals.

how to get rid of a bloated stomach instantly

  How to get rid of a bloated stomach instantly

It is not difficult to get rid of the gas and swelling, although it seems very difficult! You can easily get rid of it by simply following some better ways. Here are the Best ways to get rid of gas and bloating!

1.Peppermint tea

Peppermint is extraordinary for relieving stomachs from shaking and facilitating gas torment. Its essential oil contains menthol, which has an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of the digestive tract. It is in the same way mitigates the nerves, and in this sense can relieve the stomach really feel the impact of apprehension and anxiety. Take  a cup of tea  after having  dinner to help keep things moving slowly.

Direction :

You will need the natural mint tea and hot water. Then the water is heated, poured over the tea bag into a cup, and then cover the container. Let stand for a total of 10-15 minutes. Evacuate the diffusion and extract the tea packet, pressing to turn off every bit of the mix repair. If it is so hot that there is no option to tear, it is pressed against the side of the cup with a spoon.

Note: drink this tea to get rid of gas and swelling fast. It will be best if you do not add sugar.

2.Ginger tea

Whether you are feeling nauseous, struggling with stomach bloating, or experiencing heartburn, chances are you have given ginger in some structure to ease the stomach pump. It is equipped to perform large due to some parts that it has composed. Two chemical-gingerols and shgaols- relax the intestinal tract and facilitate aggravation while the root in its total continue as carminative- which keeps gas elimination overabundance or assistants remove it.

Direction :

You need a fresh root ginger, a grater, hot water, lemon juice and honey. There are some approaches to making ginger root tea instead of gas, we prefer this. Get a little 'estimated average raw ginger root that looks good and new. Clean, like a potato, under hot water.

Cut 4-6 fine estimates quarter pieces and place in a large cup. Include a touch of nectar or lemon if desired, and then pour boiling water over cuts exceptionally. Do not let the plaque bubble immediately before or after a short period of time. Cover and leave resting during 10 minutes.

Note: Take a glass before or after a game to help with gas or bloating.

 3.Lace up

Walk after dinner

If the waist is cozy after dinner, take a 10-minute walk. Physical action helps the air sacs pass through the more agile digestive tract, Dr. Gerbstadt explains, for the purpose that feeling of swelling will disappear faster than if you relax in the chair.

Direction :

If you just sleep after dinner, you can check for gas in the chest or swelling. Lace up your waist and walk for 10 to 15 minutes before going to bed to prevent swelling. If you experience the gas, a 10 minute walk can help a lot in removing gas or swelling fast.

Note: Gas caused by irritation of the colon syndrome can be treated with a 10 minute walk!


Coriander has too many health benefits. Out of its many health benefits is the treatment of indigestion.

Direction :
 Cilantro can help you compose your stomach. It also sets you off by the burning gas sensations. You will also receive relief from indigestion. Add some toasted coriander seeds in a cup of buttermilk. You can also use 1 teaspoon dried coriander leaves with a cup of boiling water. Get him to get rid of gas fast.

Note: If you experience an excess gas problem, you can drink a glass of this solution instead of 1 cup.

5.Chamomile tea

In Germany, a point where homegrown drugs are used more frequently as part of the west, they call chamomile alles zutraut meaning "equipped for nothing" because it is very valuable. Antispasmodic, mitigate and out and out of performance, chamomile can help with gas due to acid reflux and addition indigestion, although peppermint is best for gas produced individually by heartburn.

Direction :

You will need chamomile, hot water, honey and lemon juice. Take 1 cup of hot water and pour the tea bag. Let the tea stand for a total of 10-15 minutes. Press the bag to remove all the final pieces of goodness, and include a little nectar and lemon in the remote possibility that you like.

Note: Keep away from milk, which has a tendency to ignite the gas.

6.Fennel Seeds

Of the numerous medical advantages of this herb in the treatment of heartburn is one.

Fennel seeds can help soothe the stomach and they will fall out of the burning sensation and acid reflux gas will be triggering. You can add the fennel seeds to the grill for a large part of a glass of buttermilk or use a teaspoon of dry leaves for hot water container.

While living in chest gas or acid reflux due to spicy or fatty means of living, having fennel seeds can help treat the problem. The oil contained in fennel seeds decreases nausea and flatulence controls.

Note: dry fennel seed flour and effort to make a powder. Take half a teaspoon of this powder twice a day, along with water. You will see quick results.

7. Pumpkin

The gas is normally caused by improper food absorption, which is the reason for food high in fiber. Fiber is difficult for us to process, so we pass through our intestines en masse. At a time when the sustenance does not separate into the small digestive system, it enters an internal organ where the common microscopic organisms devour. As a result of your chewing product creating a gas mixture, it offers a whole host of issues for us. Pumpkin is useful in consideration of the fact that it can decrease the extent of the gas supplied. Eat dinner side to stop the problem from the beginning.

You'll need a cup of pumpkin, heated, steamed, or even singed or put together an alternative pumpkin formula. Take 1 cup of pumpkin with your dinner to avoid gas. It may have been heated, steamed, or singed.

Note: Take every day to get rid of gas problems always!

8.Lemon water

A glass of hot lemon water every morning keeps the specialist away. It may seem on par with "an apple a day", however, it is still a complacent appetite. Lemon is beneficial to you in several ways, including assisting with regard to the ease of your gas torment. Caustic lemon strengthens the creation of HCL (corrosive hydrogen), which is what separates our livelihood. More HCL = food that separates = much more productive less swelling and gas. The water cleans your image and keep your processing section moving along with ease. This blend acts in the same way as a very energetic approach to detoxify the entire body, with the argument that lemon helps the livers catalysts work all the way more productive.

 Take 3 slices of lemon or 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice and water. When you wake up in the morning, before you consume and when you have an empty stomach, heat a container of water. It should not be hot recently decent and toasty. Cut 3 of sharp lemon slices and press the juice in water. Provide a little 'get together and drink the whole glass.

Note: In the remote possibility that you do not have the lemon again, replace it with a spoon or somewhere in the vicinity of lemon juice. You can change the extent of including lemon.

9.Drink water

Water is an essential element of our lives. Water helps us digest food.

Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to prevent bloating and constipation, but swallowing water can actually cause excess gas and bloating. Focus on water during meals and drink water throughout the day.

10.Do some exercise

Diet and exercise combined with one of the most potent remedies for many diseases that afflict us. A little 'daily commitment to be a long, long way, when it comes to feeling good. This will also help your gas because the gas is often caused by the lifestyle.


When you exercise and pass the gas truck at a non-blowing speed that keeps you in the digestive tract motility and distributing. Most people know average flatulence 14 times a day, no matter what, and movement helps this regularity.

Monday, March 27, 2017


   Possible health benefits of Bananas

Bananas are rich in potassium and contain good levels of protein and dietary fiber.

These are the potential health benefits associated with bananas listed. It is important to keep in mind that higher quality studies are needed before these links are ultimately beneficial to health.

1) Blood pressure

Maintaining a low intake of sodium is essential to lowering blood pressure, but increased potassium intake may be just as important because of its vasodilatation effects. According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, less than 2% of adults in the United States meet the daily recommendation of 4700 mg. 3

Also of note, an ingestion of potassium is associated with a 20% decrease in the risk of death from all causes.

2) Asthma

A study by Imperial College London found that children who ate only one banana a day were 34% less likely to develop asthma.

3) Cancer

Eating bananas,  and orange juice in the first 2 yrs of life may decrease the risk of develop childhood leukemia. As a good source of vitamin C, bananas can help fight the formation of free radicals that can cause cancer. Intake of high fiber fruits and vegetables such as bananas are associated with a lower risk of colorectal cancer.

4) Heart health

The content of fiber, potassium, vitamin C and B6 in bananas all support heart health. An increase in potassium intake along with a decrease in sodium intake is the most important dietary change a person can make to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, 

In a study, those who take 4,069 miligram of potassium per day had a 49% lower risk of ischemic heart disease mortality than those who consumed less potassium (1,000 mg daily) 0.3

High intake of potassium are also associated with a lower risk of stroke, protection against loss of muscle mass, preservation of bone mineral density and deduction in the form of kidney stones 

5) Diabetes

Studies have shown that type 1 diabetics who consume high fiber diets have lower blood glucose levels and type 2 diabetes could improve blood sugar, lipid and insulin levels. A medium banana provides about 3 grams of fiber.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends 21-25 g / day for women and 30-38 g / day for men.

6) Digestive health

Light food like applesauce and banana are recommended for the treatment of diarrhea. They are part of an approach known as the BRAT diet; This means bananas, rice, applesauce and toast.

Electrolytes such as potassium are lost in large amounts during episodes of diarrhea and can make people affected feel weak. Bananas can replace these lost nutrients.

Bananas can also help provoke regularity and replenish potassium reserves.

7) Preserving memory and improving mood

Bananas also contain tryptophan, an amino acid that studies suggest a role in preserving memory and boosting your mood

The nutritional profile of bananas
A serving of banana is considered to be 126 grams. One serving of the banana contains 110 calories, 30 grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram of protein. Bananas are naturally free of fats, cholesterol and sodium.2

Bananas provide a variety of vitamins and minerals:

Vit B6 - 0.5 miligram
Mg - 0.3 miligram
Vitamin C - 9 miligram
k+ - 450 miligram
 Fiber dietary - 3 gram
Protein - 1 gram
Magnesium - 34 miligram
Folate - 25.0 miligram
Riboflavin - 0.1 miligram
Niacin - 0.8 miligram
Vitamin A - 81 IU
Iron - 0.3 miligram
The recommended dose of potassium for adults is 4,700 milligrams per day.

Risks and precautions :

Beta blockers, a type of medication most commonly prescribed for heart disease, can cause potassium levels to rise in the blood. Foods rich in potassium such as bananas should be eaten in moderation while taking beta-blockers.

Consuming too much potassium can be harmful for those with kidney function they are not fully functional. If the kidneys are unable to remove excess potassium in the blood it could be fatal.